WSR 24-24-041
[Filed November 25, 2024, 4:02 p.m.]
Medicaid Transformation Project (MTP) Nutrition Supports rate methodology under the Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) program.
Effective Date: February 1, 2025.
The health care authority (HCA) intends to submit a rate methodology for nutrition supports services under MTP 2.0 - Section 1115 waiver. These services aim to remove barriers to healthy nutrition including nutrition counseling and education, medically tailored meals, meals or pantry stocking, fruit and vegetable prescriptions, and short-term grocery provisions.
Nutrition supports services is expected to increase the annual aggregate expenditures for providers by approximately $50 million under MTP 2.0. Providers will be able to access medicaid waiver funds to provide nutrition support services.
The nutrition supports fee schedule is available for review at HCA welcomes interested parties to submit comments and concerns about the rate methodology and/or the effects no later than Friday, December 27, 2024. Note: All comments are subject to public review and disclosure, as are the names of those who comment.
Please submit comments and concerns to Matt Christie, Health-Related Social Needs Manager, email, phone 360-725-2078, 626 8th Avenue S.E., Olympia, WA 98501.