SHB 1025 - H AMD TO H AMD (1025-S AMH ____ H2626.2)
307 Adopted 3-20-91
By Representative Braddock
On page 24, after line 11, insert the following:
"(14) For cities required to include in their comprehensive plans the entire housing element under subsection (2) of this section, a density element that (a) includes a description of plans for increasing housing density within urban growth areas, and (b) requires that development regulations within urban growth areas encourage increased density, and that, at a minimum, they allow: (i) accessory apartment units, with standards, in all single family districts; (ii) subdivisions with small lot sizes; (iii) reduced or no yard setback and increased lot coverage for multifamily housing; and (iv) the use by multifamily housing facilities of innovative methods for providing parking, including tandem layouts, off-site lots, one space per unit and credit for on-street availability."
EFFECT: Requires cities with populations of 20,000 or more located in counties with populations of 125,000 or more to include in their comprehensive plans a density element. This element is to include a plan for encouraging increased density in urban growth areas. It also requires that development regulations allow accessory apartments in single-family areas, smaller lots and greater lot coverage and innovative parking arrangements in multifamily facilities.