SHB 1231 - H AMD 544 ADOPTED 4-15-91
By Representatives Cooper, R. Meyers, Betrozoff and R. Fisher
On page 2, line 6, after "5,284,864" insert "The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations: $50,000 of the highway safety fund appropriation-federal is appropriated solely for pilot projects identified by the department of licensing and to be used in conducting an evaluation of driver education and improvement courses mandated in section 10 of this act. The commission will help conduct the study and work at the direction of the department."
EFFECT: To direct $50,000 of federal dollars for pilot projects, to be used in conducting a driver improvement evaluation statewide. The Commission will help conduct the study.
SHB 1231 - H AMD
By Representative Cooper
On page 7, line 16, after "state." insert "The department will report by August 15, 1991, on any traffic safety improvement courses identified as potential pilot projects and will present a progress report on the study."
EFFECT; Provides for an August 15 report.