C 224 L 91
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Modifying grant criteria for rural health care projects.
By Representatives Morton, Grant, Fuhrman, Bray, Sprenkle, Morris, Chandler, Paris, Rasmussen, McLean, Forner and Rayburn; by request of the Department of Health.
House Committee on Health Care
Senate Committee on Health & Long-Term Care
Background: In 1989, in an effort to expand needed health care to rural areas, a rural health program was created, but the number of rural health projects that could be funded was limited to six. In 1990, the Department of Health (DOH) received applications for 18 potentially fundable projects. Even if funds were available, the department would be unable to provide assistance unless the number limit is removed. This limitation is arbitrary and may discourage communities from applying for available assistance.
Summary: The limitation on the number of rural health projects that may be funded is repealed.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 95 0
Senate 47 0 (Senate amended)
House (House refused to concur)
Senate 40 1 (Senate receded)
Effective: July 28, 1991