As Passed House
February 12, 1992
Title: An act relating to higher education retirement plans.
Brief Description: Eliminating mandatory retirement for employees of public institutions of higher education.
Sponsor(s): By House Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Jacobsen, H. Sommers, Wood, Wineberry, Nelson, May, Ogden, Miller, Sheldon, Basich, Paris, Spanel, Phillips, Rasmussen and Anderson).
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Higher Education, February 3, 1992, DPS;
Passed House, February 12, 1992, 94-0.
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by 12 members: Representatives Jacobsen, Chair; Ogden, Vice Chair; Wood, Ranking Minority Member; May, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Dellwo; Fraser; Ludwig; Miller; Prince; Sheldon; Spanel; and Van Luven.
Staff: Marilee Scarbrough (786-7196).
Background: Currently, faculty members and other designated employees of colleges and universities must retire from employment with their institutions of higher education at the end of the academic year following their 70th birthday.
In 1967, Congress passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The act was amended in 1986 to provide that age-based mandatory retirement policies in institutions of higher education must be eliminated by December 31, 1993. Twenty-six college and universities in the country have already removed the age-based mandatory retirement programs in response to the federal legislation.
Summary of Bill: The mandatory retirement age for faculty members and designated employees at state universities, regional universities, The Evergreen State College and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges is eliminated beginning July 1, 1992.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: July 1, 1992.
Testimony For: Federal law requires elimination of mandatory retirement. This legislation will allow for earlier implementation. There are a number of faculty members who will be eligible to continue if this legislation is passed. The faculty senate of the University of Washington passed a resolution supporting passage of legislation to end mandatory retirement for faculty beginning July 1, 1992. This bill will create equity for those members who turn 70 before the federal legislation goes into effect.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Sue Durrant, Council of Faculty Representatives, Washington State University; Michael Pilat, Faculty Legislative Representative, University of Washington; David Boulware, Chairman, Retirement Committee University of Washington; Malcolm Campbell, Faculty Senate, Washington State University; and Dr. Earl J. Bell, Legislative Liaison, A.A.U.P., Washington State Conference (all pro).