C 124 L 91
Synopsis As Enacted
Brief Description: Changing transportation authority of first class cities.
By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Rasmussen, R. Fisher, Dorn, Brumsickle, Betrozoff, Basich, Cantwell, Fraser, R. Meyers, Belcher and Ebersole).
House Committee on Transportation
Senate Committee on Transportation
Background: Cities and towns are granted numerous powers associated with acquiring and operating transportation systems within their corporate boundaries. Cities and towns may construct, condemn and purchase, purchase, acquire, add to, alter, maintain, and operate various forms and methods of transportation.
In 1990 first class cities were authorized to operate such forms and methods of transportation beyond the corporate limits of the city but within the county within which the city is located.
Summary: The transportation modes which a first class city may operate beyond its corporate boundaries but within the county in which the city is located are limited to railways. First class cities operating such railways may construct, purchase, add to, alter, maintain or lease cable, electric or other railways within their own boundaries. A first class city is authorized to exercise those same powers concerning a railway into an adjoining county if that county has a population between 40,000 and 125,000 and is intersected by an interstate highway.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 98 0
Senate 48 0 (Senate amended)
House 95 0 (House concurred)
Effective: July 28, 1991