SHB 1243
C 259 L 91
Brief Description: Requiring teaching experience for teacher educators.
By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Fuhrman, G. Fisher, Wood, Brekke, Neher, Cole, Silver, Jones, Holland, Peery, Fraser, Brumsickle, Bowman, Moyer, May, Dorn, Pruitt, Belcher, Valle, Heavey, McLean, Chandler, Ferguson, Hochstatter, Padden, Brough, Paris, Winsley, Morton, Mielke, Rayburn, Vance, Forner, P. Johnson, Wynne, Betrozoff, Hargrove, Van Luven, D. Sommers, Edmondson, Miller, Bray, Basich, Mitchell and Tate).
House Committee on Education
Senate Committee on Education
Background: Recent studies and strategies for improving the nation's education system have emphasized the need to improve teacher preparation programs. With this in mind, some suggest it would be beneficial for professors in teacher education programs to spend additional time in K-12 classrooms.
Summary: State college and university educator preparation programs shall annually develop and implement a plan to increase the level of collaboration and interaction between the program's faculty and K-12 schools in the state. The plan shall require, to the maximum extent feasible, that each member of the faculty annually provide instruction in K-12 classrooms.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 97 0
Senate 46 0 (Senate amended)
House (House concurred in part)
Senate (Senate receded in part)
Senate 47 0
Effective: July 28, 1991
Partial Veto Summary: The section that would have required colleges and universities to adopt salary policies to ensure that faculty who teach in K-12 classrooms be appropriately rewarded is vetoed.