SB 5042


                       AS PASSED SENATE, MARCH 18, 1991



Brief Description:  Extending the commission for efficiency and accountability an additional four years.


SPONSORS:Senators Cantu, Madsen, Hayner, Sutherland, Thorsness, von Reichbauer, Rasmussen, Pelz, Craswell, Conner, Bluechel, L. Smith, Roach, Johnson, Saling, Bailey, Bauer, Snyder, Anderson and Gaspard; by request of Governor Gardner.




Majority Report:  Do pass.

      Signed by Senators McCaslin, Chairman; Roach, Vice Chairman; Madsen, and Sutherland. 


Staff:  Barbara Howard (786‑7410)


Hearing Dates:January 28, 1991; March 5, 1991




Majority Report:  Do pass.

      Signed by Senators McDonald, Chairman; Craswell, Vice Chairman; Bailey, Bauer, Bluechel, Cantu, Gaspard, Hayner, Johnson, L. Kreidler, Metcalf, Murray, Newhouse, Niemi, Rinehart, Saling, L. Smith, Talmadge, West, Williams, and Wojahn. 


Staff:  Steve Jones (786-7715)


Hearing Dates:March 11, 1991





The Commission for Efficiency and Accountability in Government was created in 1987.  It is chaired by the Governor and includes representatives from each legislative caucus and the private sector.  Staff support is provided by the Office of Financial Management (OFM), whereas financial support has come from both legislative appropriations and private sector contributions.  Its enabling legislation is due to expire on December 31, 1991. 




The statutory expiration date for the Commission is extended to December 31, 1995.


Appropriation:  none


Revenue:  none


Fiscal Note:  available


TESTIMONY FOR (Governmental Operations):


The commission has completed a number of major projects, involving state managers and loaned private sector executives, which have significantly enhanced corporate management of state government, and effected long-term savings.  However, its work is far from completed, and the commission deserves to be continued at least until 1995.


TESTIMONY AGAINST (Governmental Operations):


While a great deal of effort and time has been spent on the commission's products, it is difficult to observe any real savings.


TESTIFIED (Governmental Operations):  PRO:  Lucille Christensen, Efficiency Commission; Curt Smitch, Director, Dept. of Wildlife; Lane Premo, Southland Corporation


TESTIMONY FOR (Ways & Means):


The commission should be extended to allow it to continue its work.  The commission has received in-kind contributions from the private sector, in the form of loaned executives.  However, no private funds have been contributed in the current biennium.


TESTIMONY AGAINST (Ways & Means):  None


TESTIFIED (Ways & Means):  PRO:  Lucille Christensen, Efficiency Commission