SB 5186


                            AS OF FEBRUARY 7, 1991



Brief Description:  Proposing land use requirements for mobile home parks.


SPONSORS:Senators Moore, Matson and Anderson.




Staff:  Martin Lovinger (786‑7443)


Hearing Dates:February 11, 1991





It is felt that mobile home parks serve the important function of providing affordable housing opportunities for persons of low, moderate and fixed incomes.  Economic realities often dictate that more profitable use can be made of land now being used for mobile home parks.  Current law does not address the threat to the continued existence of many mobile home parks and to the lifestyle of their low and moderate-income tenants.




Cities, towns, municipal corporations and counties that require downzoning of mobile home parks, that require payment of relocation expenses under RCW 59.21 or that provide for low-income affordable housing as part of any land use plan, shall enforce the requirements set out in this law to provide for more affordable housing through higher density in mobile home parks.  All applicable land use plans and zoning codes shall be amended to conform to the requirements.


If the city, municipal corporation, or county is unable to provide adequate land areas for low-cost, affordable mobile home parks, then it shall enter into an agreement with an adjoining or nearby city, town or county to provide adequate land to comply.


Appropriation:  none


Revenue:  none


Fiscal Note:  none requested