SB 5460


                            AS OF FEBRUARY 26, 1991



Brief Description:  Regulating the treatment, storage, and disposal of transuranic mixed hazardous waste.


SPONSORS:Senator Williams.




Staff:  Phil Moeller (786‑7445)


Hearing Dates:February 26, 1991





To the extent it is not preempted by federal law, the Washington State Department of Ecology has the authority to regulate material commonly referred to as "mixed waste."  This type of waste contains both radioactive and hazardous components.


There is some concern that mixed waste produced from certain nuclear material production plants in other parts of the country may eventually be stored at Hanford. 


Transuranic elements are those with an atomic number greater than that of uranium.




"Transuranic mixed hazardous waste" is defined as waste composed of both hazardous and transuranic radioactive components in concentrations greater than one hundred nanocuries per gram.


A facility is prohibited from treating, storing or disposing of transuranic mixed hazardous waste which is not generated at the facility unless a final status permit is issued under state or federal law.  The Department of Ecology (Ecology) is prohibited from authorizing a facility to receive transuranic mixed hazardous waste until the facility is in compliance with permit standards as determined by Ecology.


Appropriation:  none


Revenue:  none


Fiscal Note:  none requested