


By Senators von Reichbauer, Gaspard, Sumner, Thorsness, Rasmussen, Madsen, Oke, Conner, Talmadge, Stratton, Kreidler and Craswell



     WHEREAS, Dramatic changes in world and political relationships have significantly reduced the threat of global conflict and altered our national security priorities; and

     WHEREAS, Our military forces are reducing their missions, structure, and budget; and

     WHEREAS, This force reduction will cause early separations and retirements for many of our active-duty and reserve soldiers; and

     WHEREAS, The state of Washington and the military forces have shared a long and mutual relationship since before statehood; and

     WHEREAS, Washington has a substantial defense infrastructure of military installations, major defense contractors and many small businesses in local communities; and

     WHEREAS, The State of Washington has benefitted in this partnership through added security and economic benefits; and

     WHEREAS, In 1990, Washington firms received an estimated $5 billion to $6 billion in procurement contracts; and

     WHEREAS, Total military expenditures in Washington State generated an estimated 153,000 civilian jobs; and

     WHEREAS, Washington ranked twelfth nationally in per-capita defense spending, but ranked second nationally in military expenditures as a percentage of total state purchases; and

     WHEREAS, This is the anniversary of our victory in the Persian Gulf War, the liberation of Kuwait, and the defeat of Iraqi armed forces by American and coalition military forces; and

     WHEREAS, Senior officers of the United State Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard are present in the Senate chamber to represent the outstanding men and women of military service honored here today;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate acknowledges the incredible positive impact the armed forces have on our state, and the state Senate pledges its continued commitment to our military men and women during these times of reductions; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we send our steadfast gratitude to the patriotic men and women in the armed forces for their spirited service to our country; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Senate send a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States, The Honorable George Bush.


I, Gordon A. Golob, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1992-8735,

adopted by the Senate March 2, 1992.





Secretary of the Senate