HB 2553-S.E - DIGEST
Adopts the supplemental transportation budget.
April 1, 1992
To the Honorable, the House
of Representatives of the
State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 15(6), 22 (page 20 lines 12 and 13), 22(9), and 29 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2553 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to Transportation Appropriations."
Section 15(6), Highway Construction - Program B
Section 15(6) requires the Department of Transportation to adhere to the 1987 federal delineation of wetlands for mitigation purposes. As drafted, this proviso only applies to the interstate construction program rather than the non-interstate new construction program.
Since local jurisdictions may require the Department of Transportation to adhere to more stringent guidelines than those set forth in the 1987 federal delineation manual, this language could confuse the delivery of necessary interstate projects. Further, it is inappropriate to adopt state wetland standards on a piecemeal basis within a budget document.
Section 22 (page 20 lines 12 and 13), and Section 22(9), Planning, Research, and Public Transportation - Program T
This $100,000 appropriation and proviso fund a study on the interrelationship of land use planning and zoning to transit ridership. The study funding is contingent on the enactment of the METRO Municipal Corporation bill (Senate Bill No. 6209) or the Transportation Authorities bill (Engrossed House Bill No. 2830). The Legislature did not pass either of these bills. Therefore, the study and funding are no longer appropriate.
Section 29, Office of Financial Management Study of General Administration Charges
Section 29 requires the Office of Financial Management to conduct a study of the methods used by the revolving fund agencies to charge for services provided to the transportation agencies. Such a review is currently underway. Therefore, this study is not necessary. My staff will coordinate the transportation agencies and the revolving fund agencies to discuss services provided, allocation methodologies, and rate charges.
For these reasons, I have vetoed sections 15(6), 22 (page 20 lines 12 and 13), 22(9), and 29 of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2553.
With the exception of sections 15(6), 22 (page 20 lines 12 and 13), 22(9), and 29, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2553 is approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Booth Gardner