SB 5082-S - DIGEST
Requires the license for guides in freshwater rivers and streams, other than that part of the Columbia river below the bridge at Longview.
Establishes annual fees at fifty dollars for residents and five hundred dollars for nonresidents.
Places a surcharge of twenty dollars on each resident guide license and a surcharge of one hundred dollars on each nonresident guide license for the purposes of RCW 75.50.100.
Requires an evaluation of the license requirements by December 31, 1991.
Repeals RCW 77.12.480.
May 21, 1991
To the Honorable, the Senate
of the State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 4, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5082 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to professional salmon fishing guides."
This bill contains a provision repealing reciprocity with Idaho for fishing in the concurrent waters of Washington and Idaho on the Snake River. This repealer was added during the session when it became apparent that Idaho was acting inconsistently with the reciprocity agreement with respect to fishing guide licenses. Recently, Washington and Idaho wildlife agencies, the Idaho Guides Association, and the respective Attorney General's Offices have agreed to meet and discuss future actions regarding reciprocity between the two states on the Snake River. Due to this renewed cooperative arrangement, it is unnecessary to repeal the section relating to the reciprocity agreement. I expect that the two states can continue to work together in the future. Without such a cooperative agreement, residents wishing to fish on the concurrent waters of the Snake River would have been required to purchase licenses from both states. This would only cause confusion and animosity.
For these reasons, I have vetoed section 4 of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5082.
With the exception of section 4, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5082 is approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Booth Gardner