SB 5170 - DIGEST


                              (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


      Provides that the annual salaries shall be set by the citizen's commission on salaries.




                        May 21, 1991

To the Honorable, the Senate

  of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 1 and 4, Senate Bill No. 5170 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to district judges."

      This bill reduces the number of district court judges in Pacific County from three to two and changes the salary setting authority for part-time district court judges' salaries from county commissions to the Citizens' Commission on Salaries.

      Section 1 of the bill reduces the number of district court judges in Pacific County.  Identical language is included in House Bill No. 1467 which I have signed.

      Section 4 contains an emergency clause.  If the emergency clause were to go into effect, the Citizens' Commission on Salaries would have only 13 days to analyze, determine a process, and set salaries for district court judges.  I do not consider that sufficient time to properly address a potentially complex issue.  By deleting the emergency clause, the salary commission will have time to evaluate the salary needs of part-time judges, take public testimony, and make appropriate salary determinations.

      For the reasons stated, I have vetoed sections 1 and 4 of Senate Bill No. 5170.

      With the exception of sections 1 and 4, Senate Bill No. 5170 is approved.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Booth Gardner
