SB 5234-S - DIGEST
Establishes the program to assist schools and school districts in local efforts to improve student learning and skills.
Assigns responsibility to the board of education for decisions regarding selection and funding levels of projects.
Requires grant applications to include target educational outcomes in three of the basic academic skill areas.
Provides that applicants for the reach for excellence program shall receive an automatic waiver from the teacher contact hours requirements, basic education program hours, student learning objectives, mandatory school building self-study, and commingling of funds requirements.
Requires annual reports on the progress of the program.
Encourages the formation of partnerships between educators and others in the community to enhance educational opportunities.
Establishes site-based councils for the schools.
Provides a foundation for business-school partnerships.
Requires a study of the compensation for educational employees.
Makes appropriations of thirty-four million one hundred thousand dollars to carry out the purposes of the act.