SB 5722 - DIGEST


                              (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


      Provides for the establishment of interest rates for the department of natural resources.




                        May 3, 1991

To the Honorable, the Senate

  of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 3 and 4, Senate Bill No. 5722 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to interest rates for the department of natural resources."

      Developing a uniform interest rate policy for the Department of Natural Resources is an important goal which will improve agency administration and accounting.  Sections 3 and 4 of this bill, however, amend existing law so that the Board of Natural Resources rather than the State Treasurer will determine the appropriate interest rate for loans between the landowner contingency forest fire suppression account and the general fund.  While the Board of Natural Resources should have the ability to set interest rates for trustland management funds, this power should not be extended to situations which affect the General Fund.  For this reason, I have vetoed sections 3 and 4 of the bill.

      With the exception of sections 3 and 4, Senate Bill No. 5722 is approved.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Booth Gardner
