SB 6034 - DIGEST


                          (SEE ALSO PROPOSED 1ST SUB)


      Establishes the good health care account and makes appropriations to various programs to carry out the purposes of the act for disease prevention, health education, and health care intervention services.

      Provides for the establishment of state and local population-based essential health services plans.

      Directs the state board of health to establish a schedule of appropriate immunizations against preventable infectious diseases.

      Establishes demonstration projects to increase immunization rates among children receiving state-paid social and health services.

      Requires parents and guardians of children who are eligible to receive services to provide certificates of completion of the required immunization schedules.

      Creates the center for health promotion and disease and injury prevention and designates the objectives for the center.

      Establishes a state-wide system of health promotion and disease prevention regions.

      Provides for community outreach pilot programs.

      Promotes improved health services for school children.

      Establishes a gatekeeper outreach program for the impaired elderly who live in their own homes.