SB 6059 - DIGEST


      Initiates a program to concentrate state and local resources upon the highest priority shellfish growing areas with the goal of reopening such areas in the near future.

      Authorizes the counties to create one or more watershed management areas to fund water resource protection, and designates the procedures to create the watershed management area.

      Authorizes the levy of an annual tax not to exceed seventy-five cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation of all property in the management area.

      Directs the department of health to prepare a list of all shellfish areas which have been disapproved for harvest and designate four areas with the highest priority for action to eliminate the causes for the closure to harvesting.

      Requires the development of a plan for corrective or preventive actions with a target date for restoration of the areas by July 1, 1995.

      Provides for injunctive relief and civil penalties for a failure of a local government to develop a plan.

      Establishes a shellfish financial assistance program.

      Makes appropriations to carry out the purposes of the act.

      Requires annual progress reports.