SB 6111-S - DIGEST


                              (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


      Encourages the implementation of family preservation services which shall be in-home programs that follow models with demonstrated effectiveness in reducing or avoiding the need for state-funded foster care placement.

      Designates the required characteristics of the program.

      Specifies the responsibilities of the department of social and health services.

      Establishes requirements for eligibility for the family preservation services.

      Requires a family preservation services study in one region of the state and a report by January 1, 1993, with recommendations for state-wide implementation.

      Authorizes the transfer of funds for foster care services, after July 1, 1993, to purchase family preservation services for children in imminent risk of foster care placement.

      Directs the juvenile issues task force to review the advisability of transferring the funds and report by December 15, 1992.