SSB 5971
C 333 L 93
Brief Description: Expanding school breakfast and lunch programs.
SPONSORS: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Pelz, Talmadge and Bauer; by request of Governor Lowry)
Most school districts of the state participate in school lunch and breakfast programs. State survey data indicates that in the 1991-92 school year 97.1 percent of school children in Washington had access to the lunch program and 62.8 percent had access to the breakfast program.
These programs are subsidized by the federal government through the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Since 1979, state funding for this program has been limited to that required for federal matching purposes. For the 1991-93 biennium, state matching funds for this program were $6 million and federal funds amounted to $148 million.
Under the federal school lunch and breakfast programs, meals are offered to students at full price, reduced price, or free, according to uniform national eligibility criteria based on family income and size. Currently, family income at or below 130 percent of the poverty level qualifies students for free meals, and below 185 percent of poverty level qualifies students for reduced price meals.
A 1989 state law requires school districts to implement a school breakfast program by the 1992-93 school year in schools where 40 percent or more of school lunches were served to students eligible for free or reduced priced meals. Breakfast programs established under this law must be supported entirely by federal funds, charges to students and other local resources.
The requirement that school breakfast programs be supported entirely by federal funds, charges to students and other local resources is eliminated.
To the extent funds are appropriated, the Superintendent of Public Instruction provides grants to increase participation, improve quality, support existing programs and to help school districts start school breakfast or lunch programs. Schools are eligible for state funds if application has been made for all applicable federal funds.
State funds can only be used for operating costs unless specifically appropriated for nonoperating costs.
To the extent funds are appropriated, the Superintendent of Public Instruction provides grants for summer food programs.
The bill is null and void if funding is not provided in the budget.
Senate 41 7
House 96 0 (House amended)
Senate 31 15 (Senate concurred)
EFFECTIVE:July 25, 1993