HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 93-4640, by Representatives Chappell, Brumsickle, Springer and Morris


            WHEREAS, Children need a safe, accessible place to play, grow, and interact; and

            WHEREAS, Traditional sources of local, state, and federal government funding for recreational facilities is inadequate in the current economic climate; and

            WHEREAS, Lewis County is an economically depressed timber community; and

            WHEREAS, People form throughout the Lewis County area come to Centralia and Chehalis periodically to shop and conduct business; and

            WHEREAS, Friends and neighbors from throughout Lewis County have determined that a new park is needed; and

            WHEREAS, The Community Playground Association was formed, and under the leadership of project manager Connie Small, this association began work to secure hundreds of private community donations; and

            WHEREAS, Children most certainly enjoy and take pride in a playground that is designed and created from their own thoughts and imagination; and

            WHEREAS, It would cost in excess of two hundred thousand dollars to have such a park designed and constructed commercially; and

            WHEREAS, The cost to construct the park could be reduced to eighty thousand dollars with the labor and materials to be provided by the community itself without any public funding; and

            WHEREAS, The people of Lewis County responded with their donations, materials, donated labor, and the power of working together through hard times; and

            WHEREAS, The "Penny Playground" at Recreation Park in Chehalis, Washington will be constructed from April 28th to May 2nd, and will provide enjoyment and enrichment for the children of Lewis County and all others who visit the area;

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, That the Community Playground Association, and all of the hardworking citizens of Lewis County who are giving their time, their materials, their money, and their energies, accept our gratitude and appreciation for their efforts, and for demonstrating that citizens with vision and cooperation can truly accomplish great tasks when they work together.



                                           I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

                                      Resolution 4640 adopted by the House of Representatives

                                                                       April 14, 1993.





                                                            Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk