

By Senators Wojahn, Gaspard, Snyder, Talmadge, Winsley, Franklin, Rasmussen, Oke and Pelz


            WHEREAS, Education is crucial to the success of every child; and

            WHEREAS, Some individuals have learning disabilities that prevent them from achieving their full potential; and

            WHEREAS, The challenge to helping persons with learning disabilities is to find each person's individual path to learning; and

            WHEREAS, Keys can be found to unlock the door to education for individuals with learning disabilities; and

            WHEREAS, Located in Tacoma, Washington, is an educational resource that has provided students of all ages with the map to find their learning paths; and

            WHEREAS, This educational treasure is a not-for-profit educational clinic, Another Door to Learning, that helps students with learning disabilities find the key to unlock the door to life long learning and successful development; and

            WHEREAS, Another Door to Learning was founded in 1980 by two Washington educators, Judy Schwarz and Carol Stockdale; and

            WHEREAS, During the past fourteen years, research and development at the clinic have produced innovative teaching methods and materials that have resulted in academic success for individuals with learning disabilities; and

            WHEREAS, Another Door to Learning has served as a resource for educators, sharing the skills and knowledge developed in the clinic to train educators in better methods of teaching students with learning disabilities; and

            WHEREAS, The clinic also works with parents to help support the families of children with learning disabilities; and

            WHEREAS, The work of the clinic has contributed to the life long success of former students who have left the clinic to attend college and trade schools and to become teachers, fire fighters, electricians, dentists, salespeople, accountants, janitors, attorneys, nurses, and farmers; and

            WHEREAS, Educators from all over the country have come for training at Another Door to Learning and the resources of the clinic have been further spread throughout the nation through a recently published book by Judy Schwarz, entitled "Another Door To Learning:  True Stories of Children and Adults and the Keys to their Success";

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Senate of the state of Washington, That Judy Schwarz and Carol Stockdale and the staff of Another Door to Learning be honored for their dedication and talent in providing for the educational success of Washington's students and with sharing their research and methods with other educators both in the state of Washington and throughout this nation; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the members of the Senate enthusiastically endorse the work of Another Door to Learning and urge the dedicated staff of the clinic to continue to both educate students and train educators in unlocking the door to learning for students with learning disabilities; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Senate immediately transmit copies of this resolution to Another Door to Learning, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Board of Education, and the Commission for Student Learning.


I, Marty Brown, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1994-8659,

adopted by the Senate January 20, 1994.





Secretary of the Senate