2080‑S.E. AMS WOOD LOVA 01




ESHB 2080 - S AMDS TO S COMM AMD (S-3298.1)  353

    BySenators Wood and Prentice


                                               NOT ADOPTED 4/13/95


    On page 8, line 3 strike "140,134,000" and insert "138,433,200".


    Readjust the total accordingly.



    On page 8, line 13, after "a" insert "field force".



    On page 8, line 16 after "achieve" strike all the material through "30" on line 17 and insert "the level of 730, a class of 54".




                            --- END ---



EFFECT:  Eliminates Safety Education Officer's program entirely;  places 12 troopers on "road" and reduces number of cadets needed to maintain 730 level.