5104‑S AMS LOVE JONS 001
SSB 5104 - S AMD - 305
BySenators Loveland and Strannigan
ADOPTED 3/7/96
On page 23, line 53, after "status" and before the period, insert "or existing natural area preserves"
SSB 5104 - S AMD - 305
BySenators Loveland and Strannigan
ADOPTED 3/7/96
On page 24, line 4, strike "53,000,000" and insert "50,000,000"
On page 24, after line 4, insert the following:
"Habitat Conservation Account Appropriation............. $ 1,500,000
Outdoor Recreation Account Appropriation............... $ 1,500,000"
EFFECT: For the trust land transfer program, the amendment replaces funding from the State Building Construction Account. Allows funding from private sources to be used for a greater variety of natural area preserves.
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