SSB 5186 - S Amd - 151

    BySenators Loveland, Hargrove and Roach





    On page 1, line 9, delete "be for" and insert "include capacity for the growing population of"


    On page 1, line 15, delete "facility"  and insert "quarters for youthful offenders"





SSB 5186 - S Amd - 151

    BySenators Loveland, Hargrove and Roach





    On page 2, beginning on line 8, strike all material down to and including line 10 and insert "The predesign document shall include but not be limited to program, site, and cost analysis in accordance with the predesign manual adopted by the office of financial management.  Following the initial allotment of funds for predesign, the department shall provide quarterly reports to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the legislature on the progress of the facility program plan and physical design.  Allotments for appropriations related to the facility shall be provided in accordance with the capital project review requirements adopted by the office of financial management.  The office of financial management shall notify the house of representatives capital budget committee and the senate ways and means committee of allotment releases based on review by the office of financial management."


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