5546 AAS 3/13/95




SB 5546 - S AMD  169

    BySenator Snyder


                                                   ADOPTED 3/13/95


    On page 1, line 6, before "The" insert "(1)"




SB 5546 - S AMD - 169

    BySenator Snyder


                                                   ADOPTED 3/13/95


    On page 2, after line 3, insert the following:


    "(2) The affidavit form shall be designed to require a statement that no contagious sexually transmitted disease is present or that the condition is known to both applicants, without requiring the applicants to state whether or not either or both of them are afflicted by such disease."


                            --- END ---


EFFECT:  Ensures that the necessary information is obtained without requiring unneeded medical disclosures.