ESHB 1518


                         C 284 L 95

                     Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Authorizing clock hours for teachers participating in internships.


Sponsors:  House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Thompson, Lambert, Talcott, Brumsickle, Elliot, Radcliff, D. Schmidt, Pelesky, Padden, Veloria, Dickerson, McMahan, Quall, Johnson, Basich and Mason).


House Committee on Education

Senate Committee on Education


Background:  Business leaders, educators, parents, and others have been concerned that public school curriculum needs to be more relevant to the future careers of students, and that teachers lack knowledge regarding the day-to-day issues and operations of business, industry, and government. 


To encourage teachers to become more familiar with business, industry, and government, it has been recommended that teachers be able to receive "clock hour" credit on the state's salary allocation schedule when they complete internships with these organizations.  These credits can be used for future salary increases and for meeting the continuing education requirement required for teacher certification since 1987.


Summary:  Certificated personnel who participate in an approved internship may receive the equivalent of one college quarter credit on the statewide salary allocation schedule for every 40 hours of participation in the internship.  The internship must be with a business, an industrial firm, or government.


The State Board of Education is directed to establish rules for participation in the internships.  To receive credit, the individual must demonstrate that the internship will provide beneficial skills and knowledge in an area directly related to his or her current assignment, or to his or her assignment for the following school year.  Only credits earned in internships after December 31, 1995, may be counted.


An individual may not receive more than the equivalent of  two college quarter credits for internships annually, nor more than a total of 15 credits during the individual's career.


The Legislative Office on Performance Audit and Fiscal Analysis is required to conduct a study of the effectiveness of internship credits compared to inservice and academic credits.  Results are to be available by December 15, 1997.


Votes on Final Passage:


House     93 3

Senate    48 0 (Senate amended)

House     96 0 (House concurred)


Effective:  July 23, 1995