HB 2134
C 189 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Degrading certain dairy licenses.
Sponsors: Representatives Robertson, Chappell, Koster, Mastin, Regala, Chandler, Honeyford, Campbell, L. Thomas, Johnson, Stevens, Boldt and Goldsmith; by request of Department of Agriculture.
House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology
Senate Committee on Agriculture & Agricultural Trade & Development
Background: The Department of Agriculture is required by the state's fluid milk laws to inspect dairy farms and milk plants before they are licensed, and periodically thereafter. If an inspection reveals a violation that is a grade requirement (such as, for Grade A milk), a second inspection is to be conducted. If the same requirement is found to be violated in the second inspection, the license must be immediately degraded or summarily suspended.
Summary: The provision of the fluid milk laws requiring that a license be degraded or summarily suspended following a repeat of an inspection violation no longer requires that the license be immediately degraded or summarily suspended.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 96 0
Senate 48 0 (Senate amended)
House 90 0 (House concurred)
Effective: March 28, 1996