SB 6757

                          C 246 L 96

                      Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Exempting first class school districts from conflict of interest provisions relating to contracts.


Sponsors:  Senator Morton.


Senate Committee on Education

House Committee on Education


Background:  Current law provides a general rule that officers of municipalities cannot benefit from contracts entered into by the municipality.  However, current law provides some exceptions.  Second class school districts may contract with a company in which a school board member has an interest if the contract is for less than $750 a month, there is public disclosure that there is a contract, and the school board member does not vote on the authorization of the contract.


Current law does not permit first class districts to contract with a company in which a school board member has an interest.


First class school districts have 2,000 or more students.  Second class districts have fewer than 2,000 students.


Summary:  First class school districts may contract with a company in which a school board member has an interest if the contract is for less than $750 a month, there is public disclosure by having an available list of such a contract and by publishing notice of the contract in one or more local newspapers, and the school board member does not vote on the authorization of the contract.


Votes on Final Passage:


Senate    46 0

House     96 2 (House amended)

Senate    43 0 (Senate concurred)


Effective:  June 6, 1996