HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4667, by Representatives Cairnes, Cooke, Campbell, Kremen, Dyer, D. Schmidt, Koster and Hatfield


      WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to recognize excellence in service and contribution to the great state of Washington and these United States; and

      WHEREAS, A great many citizens of the great state of Washington served in the American Merchant Marine during the years surrounding World War II, and many other Washington state citizens continue to serve today; and

      WHEREAS, During World War II the United States depended heavily upon the Merchant Marine for the war effort, to man the "Liberty Ships," that carried forty-one Merchant Seaman and twenty-six United States Navy Armed Guard gunners, bringing much needed cargo, foodstuffs, munitions, supplies, and other raw material to our Allies and vital war theaters, by way of large ship convoys crossing the treacherous Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; and

      WHEREAS, These convoys faced untold dangers and perils, including being methodically hunted by U-boats in "wolf-packs," which, for example, in the first twenty days of March 1943 sank ninety-seven Allied merchant ships.  The convoys also faced the hazards of mines, enemy aircraft, surface warships, armed raiders, and not least of all the North Atlantic gales and Pacific typhoons; and

      WHEREAS, The Merchant Marines surmounted and conquered these perils and served the United States readily and reliably, unselfishly and unwaveringly, valiantly and proudly, courageously and patriotically; and

      WHEREAS, The fight for freedom in World War II would have been immeasurably affected without the selfless and determined contributions by the Merchant Marines to vanquish and defeat the Axis powers, heretofore the greatest enemies of freedom the world had known; and

      WHEREAS, During times of peace, the Merchant Marines faithfully ensure strong, robust seaborne commerce, bolstering and fostering international trade and continued prosperity for the great state of Washington and these United States;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, honor the excellence in service and contribution to the great state of Washington and these United States by those who serve in the Merchant Marines, helping to assure continued economic prosperity through trade, and especially those who have served during the years surrounding World War II, who, by their courage, patriotism, and selfless and unwavering sacrifices have contributed to ensuring that the forces of tyranny will never triumph over the bright light of freedom.



      I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

      Resolution 4667 adopted by the House of Representatives

                          April 17, 1995.



                  Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk