HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 96-4711, by Representative Skinner


      WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington state legislature to honor excellence in service to the great state of Washington and its institutions and citizens; and

      WHEREAS, Selfless citizen contribution to community and others is the very foundation upon which the greatest accomplishments of this great state of Washington have been built and from which it sustains its vitality and maintains its unerring strength for posterity; and

      WHEREAS, The extraordinary and lengthy contributions of Donald Skidmore, late of Yakima, illustrate and exemplify the very finest selfless citizen contribution to this great state of Washington; and

      WHEREAS, Illustrative of Donald Skidmore's contributions is his long and tireless work in the World Leadership Council, which works for peace, understanding, and goodwill among and between citizens of different nations, wherein he undertook numerous exhaustive trips to scores of foreign nations to meet with elected and religious officials to promote and develop peace, understanding, and goodwill, reflecting and enuring goodwill upon the citizens of Yakima and this great state of Washington; and

      WHEREAS, Donald Skidmore's noble contributions were recently recognized on June 12, 1995, when he was honored and named "Apostle of Peace and Marshal of International Understanding" by the Parliamentary Center for Peace, India, in ceremonies held in Seattle at the World Trade Center; and

      WHEREAS, It has been learned with great regret of the recent passing of Donald Skidmore, a heartfelt and great loss to his family, friends, colleagues, and former business and professional associates, as well as this great state of Washington;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the state of Washington honor the highest level of excellence demonstrated by Donald Skidmore and the brilliant example he has set for others;

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the state of Washington express its condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, and former business and professional associates of Donald Skidmore; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives to the family of Donald Skidmore.


      I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

      Resolution 4711 adopted by the House of Representatives

                         February 6, 1996.




                  Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk