By Senators Snyder and Loveland
BE IT RESOLVED, That Senate Resolution No. 1995-8601, adopting the Rules of the Senate for the 54th Legislature, be amended as follows:
On page 16, beginning on line 13, strike everything down to 25 and insert:
"The following standing committees shall constitute the standing committees of the senate:
1. Agriculture and Agricultural Trade and Development 7
2. Ecology and Parks ........................ ((6))7
3. Education................................. 7
4. Energy, Telecommunications and Utilities.. 5
5. Financial Institutions and Housing........ 7
6. Government Operations..................... 7
7. Health and Long-Term Care................. 9
8. Higher Education.......................... ((9))11
9. Human Services and Corrections ........... 11
10. Labor, Commerce and Trade................. 9
11. Law and Justice........................... 11
12. Natural Resources......................... 11
13. Rules..................................... 19
14. Transportation............................ 13
15. Ways and Means............................ 25"