SB 6357 - DIGEST
Creates the department of children's services.
Establishes the efficiency incentive account.
Transfers the powers, duties, and functions of the following DSHS divisions: (1) Children and family services;
(2) office of support enforcement;
(3) family policy council; and
(4) alcohol and substance abuse.
Transfers the powers, duties, and functions of the following CTED divisions: (1) Early childhood education assistance;
(2) homeless shelter;
(3) community action agency network; and
(4) community mobilization.
Creates a joint legislative task force to review existing laws governing children and families and report to the legislature, with recommendations, by October 31, 1996.
Transfers child protective service duties to the attorney general.
Transfers fraud investigation duties to the attorney general.
Transfers juvenile rehabilitation duties to the department of corrections.
Transfers licensing duties pertaining to agencies for the care of children, expectant mothers, and developmentally disabled to the department of health.