SSB 6062 - H AMDS TO H APP COMM AMD (H-2996.1/97)430 FAILED
By Representative Kessler 3-31-97
On page 63, line 25, increase the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 1998 by $3,250,000
On page 63, line 26, increase the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 1999 by $3,250,000
Correct total appropriation accordingly.
On page 65, after line 13, insert the following:
A(10) $3,250,000 of the general fund state appropriation for fiscal year 1998, $3,250,000 of the general fund state appropriation for fiscal year 1999 are provided solely for the jobs for the environment program. Projects under contract as of June 1, 1997, will be given first priority for funding within this appropriation.
(a) The amounts provided in this subsection shall be used to achieve the following goals:
(i) Restore and protect watersheds to benefit anadromous fish stocks, including critical or depressed stocks as determined by the department of fish and wildlife;
(ii) Conduct watershed restoration and protection projects primarily on state lands in coordination with federal, local, tribal, and private sector efforts; and
(iii) Create market wage jobs with benefits in environmental restoration for displaced workers in natural resource impact areas, as defined under RCW 43.31.601(2).
(b) Except as provided in (c)(i) and (ii) of this subsection, these amounts are solely for projects selected by the department of natural resources, in consultation with an interagency task force consisting of the department of fish and wildlife, other appropriate state agencies, tribal governments, local governments, the federal government, labor and other interested stakeholders. In recommending projects for funding the task force shall use the following criteria:
(i) The extent to which the project, using best available science, addresses habitat factors limiting fish and wildlife populations;
(ii) The number, duration and quality of jobs to be created or retained by the project for displaced workers in natural resource impact areas;
(iii) The extent to which the project will help avoid the listing of threatened or endangered species or provides for the recovery of species already listed;
(iv) The extent to which the project will augment existing federal, state, tribal or local watershed planning efforts or completed watershed restoration and conservation plans;
(v) The cost effectiveness of the project;
(vi) The inclusion of matching funds; and
(vii) The demonstrated ability of the project proponents to administer the project.
(c) Amounts may be expended for planning, design, engineering, and monitoring. Amounts expended shall be used for specific projects and not for ongoing operational costs. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, closure or improvement of forest roads, repair of culverts, clean-up of stream beds, removal of fish barriers, installation of fish screens, fencing of streams, and construction and planting of fish cover.
(i) The department of natural resources and the department of fish and wildlife, in consultation with the office of financial management and other appropriate agencies, shall report to the appropriate committees of the legislature by January 1, 1998, and annually thereafter, on any expenditures made from these appropriations.
(ii) $800,000 of the amount in this subsection is provided solely for watershed restoration programs to be completed by the department of ecology's Washington conservation corps crews.
(iii) All projects shall be consistent with any development regulations or comprehensive plans adopted under the growth management act for the project areas. No funds shall be expended to acquire land through condemnation.@
On page 103, line 14, decrease the general fund--state appropriation for FY 1998 by $490,000.
On page 103, line 15, decrease the general fund--state appropriation for FY 1999 by $27,186,000.
On page 103, line 18, increase the employment and training trust account appropriation by $37,952,000.
Correct the total accordingly.
On page 104, line 4, strike A490,000" through Aare" on page 104, line 7 and insert the following:
A64,478,000 of the employment and training trust account appropriation is@
On page 104, line 11, strike A51,534,000" and insert A45,419,000"
On page 104, line 18, strike A2,938,000" and insert A8,403,000"
On page 104, line 18, strike Asupport services that may include@
On page 104, after line 20, insert the following:
A(c) $10,226,000 is to provide financial assistance for student enrollments funded in (a) of this subsection in order to enhance program completion for those enrolled students whose unemployment benefit eligibility will be exhausted or reduced before their training program is completed. The state board for community and technical colleges shall submit to the workforce training and education coordinating board for review and approval a plan for eligibility and disbursement criteria to be used in determining the award of moneys provided in this subsection.
(d) $700,000 is to provide the operating resources for seven employment security department job service centers located on community and technical college campuses.@
EFFECT: The amendment makes changes to two programs: Jobs for the Environment and Workforce training. 1) To fund the Jobs for the Environment program, the Department of Natural Resources budget is increased by $6.5 million. Goals are established for the program as well as criteria by which projects are to be selected. 2) For Workforce training, in the community and technical colleges, general fund-state funding is eliminated and funding is increased for the program from the Employment and Training Trust Account. Provides increased funding for child care assistance, transportation and financial aid. Provides funds for continuation of unemployment assistance during training and for seven employment security job services centers located on community and technical college campuses.
Reduces General Fund-State by $20,176,000.
Increases Other Funds by $37,952,000.