2459-S AAS 3/10/98 S5223.2




SHB 2459 - S AMD - 1007

By Senator Prentice


                                                   ADOPTED 3/10/98


    Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


    "Sec. 1.  RCW 35.82.040 and 1995 c 293 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

    Except as provided in section 2 of this act, when the governing body of a city adopts a resolution declaring that there is a need for a housing authority, it shall promptly notify the mayor of such adoption.  Upon receiving such notice, the mayor shall appoint five persons as commissioners of the authority created for the city.  When the governing body of a county adopts a resolution declaring that there is a need for a housing authority, it shall appoint five persons as commissioners of the authority created for the county.  The commissioners who are first appointed shall be designated to serve for terms of one, two, three, four and five years, respectively, from the date of their appointment, but thereafter commissioners shall be appointed for a term of office of five years except that all vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term.  No commissioner of an authority may be an officer or employee of the city or county for which the authority is created, unless the commissioner is an employee of a separately elected county official other than the county governing body in a county with a population of less than one hundred seventy-five thousand as of the 1990 federal census, and the total government employment in that county exceeds forty percent of total employment.  A commissioner shall hold office until a successor has been appointed and has qualified, unless sooner removed according to this chapter.  A certificate of the appointment or reappointment of any commissioner shall be filed with the clerk and such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the due and proper appointment of such commissioner.  A commissioner shall receive no compensation for his or her services for the authority, in any capacity, but he or she shall be entitled to the necessary expenses, including traveling expenses, incurred in the discharge of his or her duties.

    The powers of each authority shall be vested in the commissioners thereof in office from time to time.  Except as provided in section 2 of this act, three commissioners shall constitute a quorum of the authority for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes.  Action may be taken by the authority upon a vote of a majority of the commissioners present, unless in any case the bylaws of the authority shall require a larger number.  The mayor (or in the case of an authority for a county, the governing body of the county) shall designate which of the commissioners appointed shall be the first chair of the commission and he or she shall serve in the capacity of chair until the expiration of his or her term of office as commissioner.  When the office of the chair of the authority becomes vacant, the authority shall select a chair from among its commissioners.  An authority shall select from among its commissioners a vice-chair, and it may employ a secretary (who shall be executive director), technical experts and such other officers, agents and employees, permanent and temporary, as it may require, and shall determine their qualifications, duties and compensation.  For such legal services as it may require, an authority may call upon the chief law officer of the city or the county or may employ its own counsel and legal staff.  An authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees such powers or duties as it may deem proper.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  A new section is added to chapter 35.82 RCW to read as follows:

    (1) After the effective date of this section, the governing body of a city with a population of four hundred thousand or more, that has created a housing authority under RCW 35.82.040, shall adopt a resolution to expand the number of commissioners on the housing authority from five to seven.  Upon receiving the notice, the mayor, with approval of the city council, shall appoint additional persons as commissioners of the authority created for the city.

    (2) In appointing commissioners, the mayor shall consider persons that represent the community, provided that two commissioners shall consist of tenants that reside in a housing project that is owned by the housing authority.

    (3) After the effective date of this section, all commissioners shall be appointed to serve four-year terms, except that all vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.  A commissioner of an authority may not be an officer or employee of the city for which the authority is created.  A commissioner shall hold office until a successor has been appointed and has qualified, unless sooner removed according to this chapter.

    (4) A commissioner may be reappointed only after review and approval by the city council.

    (5) A certificate of the appointment or reappointment of any commissioner shall be filed with the clerk and the certificate is conclusive evidence of the due and proper appointment of the commissioner.

    (6) A commissioner shall receive no compensation for his or her services for the authority, in any capacity, but he or she is entitled to the necessary expenses, including traveling expenses, incurred in the discharge of his or her duties.

    (7) The powers of each authority vest in the commissioners of the authority in office from time to time.  Four commissioners shall constitute a quorum of the authority for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes.  Action may be taken by the authority upon a vote of a majority of the commissioners present, unless in any case the bylaws of the authority shall require a larger number.

    (8) The mayor, with consent of the city council, shall designate which of the commissioners appointed shall be the first chair of the commission and he or she shall serve in the capacity of chair until the expiration of his or her term of office as commissioner.  When the office of the chair of the authority becomes vacant, the authority shall select a chair from among its commissioners.  An authority shall select from among its commissioners a vice-chair, and the authority may employ a secretary, who shall be executive director, technical experts and such other officers, agents, and employees, permanent and temporary, as the authority requires, and shall determine their qualifications, duties, and compensation.

    (9) For such legal services as it may require, an authority may call upon the chief law officer of the city or may employ its own counsel and legal staff.  An authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees such powers or duties as it may deem proper.


    Sec. 3.  RCW 35.82.050 and 1965 c 7 s 35.82.050 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) No commissioner ((or)), employee ((of an authority)), or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority shall ((acquire any interest direct or indirect in any housing project or in any property included or planned to be included in any project, nor shall he have any interest direct or indirect in any contract or proposed contract for materials or services to be furnished or used in connection with any housing project)) own or hold an interest in any contract or property or engage in any business, transaction, or professional or personal activity, that would:

    (a) Be, or appear to be, in conflict with the commissioner's, employee's, or appointee's official duties to any decision-making body for the housing authority duties relating to the housing authority served by or subject to the authority of such commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority;

    (b) Secure, or appear to secure, unwarranted privileges or advantages for such commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority, or others; or

    (c) Prejudice, or appear to prejudice, such commissioner's, employee's, or appointee's to any decision-making body for the housing authority independence of judgment in exercise of his or her official duties relating to the housing authority served by or subject to the authority of the commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority.

    (2) No commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority shall act in an official capacity in any manner in which such commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body of the housing authority has a direct or indirect financial or personal involvement.

    (3) No commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority shall use his or her public office or employment to secure financial gain to such commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority.

    (4) If any commissioner or employee of an authority or any appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority owns or controls an interest direct or indirect in any property included or planned to be included in any housing project, he immediately shall disclose the same in writing to the authority and such disclosure shall be entered upon the minutes of the authority.  Failure ((so)) to disclose such interest shall constitute misconduct in office.  Upon such disclosure such commissioner ((or)), employee, or appointee to any decision-making body for the housing authority shall not participate in any action by the authority affecting such property.

    (5) No provision of this section shall preclude a tenant of the public housing authority from serving as a commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body of the housing authority.  No provision of this section shall preclude a tenant of the public housing authority who is serving as a commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision-making body of the housing authority from voting on any issue or decision, or participating in any action by the authority, unless a conflict of interest, as set forth in subsections (1) through (4) of this section, exists as to that particular tenant and the particular property or interest at issue before, or subject to action by the housing authority."




SHB 2459 - S AMD - 1007

By Senator Prentice


                                               NOT ADOPTED 3/10/98


    On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "thousand;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 35.82.040 and 35.82.050; and adding a new section to chapter 35.82 RCW."


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