3901.E AMS FRAN S2894.2




EHB 3901 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2635.5/97) - 278

By Senator Franklin


                                                NOT ADOPTED 4/9/97


    On page 39, line 18 of the amendment, after "communities" insert "and shall ensure that child care providers are trained in communities where child care capacity is insufficient to meet the demand generated by the WorkFirst program"


    On page 39, line 21 of the amendment, after "(3)" insert "The department shall conduct a needs assessment to determine which communities are most in need of trained child care providers and shall provide training for child care providers in those areas.




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    EFFECT:  Requires that the department train child care providers in areas of the state where there is a shortage of providers.  Requires that the department conduct a needs assessment to determine where child care provider shortages exist.