5086 AMS BROW RYAN 018
SB 5086 - S AMD - 089
By Senator Brown
On page 1, line 10, after "education." strike the remainder of the section and insert "The legislature declares determining the amount of, if any, postsecondary support to be provided adult children is primarily the responsibility of the parents regardless of their marital status and should be the subject of judicial consideration only when extraordinary circumstances exist. Consequently, the legislature intends to modify the ruling in Childers v. Childers, 84 Wn. 2d 592 (1978) and cases which follow the Childers precedent.
On page 2, line 10, after "age" insert "unless the parents submit to the court a jointly agreed to plan in which support amounts and conditions are established"
On page 2, after line 10 strike sections three through seven.
Renumber the remaining section consecutively
SB 5086 - S AMD
By Senator Brown
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "children;" strike all material through 075;" on line 3.
--- END ---
EFFECT: Allows the parents, on their own, to jointly determine support is appropriate and to establish the amount and conditions of support.