5710‑S2 AMS SHEB RODG 030




2SSB 5710 - S AMD ‑ 161

    BySenators Sheldon, Goings and McAuliffe


                                                   ADOPTED 3/19/97


    On page 44, line 22, after "1996 c 131 s 5" strike "; and (2) RCW 70.190.040 and 1993 c 336 s 901"



2SSB 5710 - S AMD ‑ 161

    BySenators Sheldon, Goings and McAuliffe


                                                   ADOPTED 3/19/97


    On page 1, line 10, after "43.06A.040" strike " and 70.190.040"


                            --- END ---


EFFECT:   Removes the repealer for the Readiness to Learn program