6061-S AAS 4/16/97 S3192.1




SSB 6061 - S AMD - 414

By Senators Prince, Haugen, Wood, Rasmussen, Hale, Patterson and Prentice


                                                   ADOPTED 4/16/97


    On page 3, after line 31, insert the following:



Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation.............            $ 514,000


    (1) The joint legislative audit and review committee shall conduct a performance audit of the department of transportation focused on its responsibilities for the highway and ferry systems.  The performance audit shall be an objective and systematic assessment of the programs administered by the department, including each program's effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability.  The joint legislative audit and review committee shall contract with independent evaluators as needed.

    (2) Consistent with the procedures established in chapter 44.28 RCW, the committee shall, as appropriate, consult the department's frontline employees, department and program managers, customers of the department's programs and services, other taxpayers, legislators, legislative staff, office of financial management staff, and other external public and private sector experts as deemed appropriate in conducting the performance audit.  On behalf of the committee, the independent evaluator shall be provided direct and unrestricted access to information held by the department, which shall submit all data and other information requested by the committee.

    (3) The performance audit shall identify those activities and programs of the department that should be strengthened, those that should be abandoned, and those that need to be redirected or other alternatives explored.  In conducting the audit, the following objectives shall be addressed as appropriate:

    (a) Identify each of the department's discrete functions or activities, along with associated costs and full-time equivalent staff;

    (b) Determine the extent to which the particular activity or function is specifically authorized in statute or is consistent with statutory direction and intent;

    (c) Establish the relative priority of the program among the department's functions;

    (d) Consider whether or not the purpose for which the program was created is still valid based on the circumstances under which the program was created versus those that exist at the time of the audit;

    (e) Recommend organizations or programs in the public or private sector to be used as benchmarks against which to measure the performance of the program or function;

    (f) Determine whether or not the program or function is achieving the results for which it was established;

    (g) Identify alternatives for delivering the program or service, either in the public or private sector;

    (h) Identify any duplication of services with other government programs or private enterprises or gaps in services;

    (i) Identify the costs or implications of not performing the function;

    (j) Determine the frequency with which other states perform similar functions, as well as their relative funding levels and performance;     (k) In the event of inadequate performance by the program, identify the potential for a workable, affordable plan to improve performance;

    (l) Identify, to the extent possible, the causes of any program's failure to achieve the desired results and identify alternatives for reducing costs or improving service delivery, including transferring functions to other public or private sector organizations; and

    (m) Develop recommendations relating to statutes that inhibit or do not contribute to the department's ability to perform its functions effectively and efficiently and whether specific statutes, activities, or programs should be continued, abandoned, or restructured.

    (4) The performance audit shall be conducted under the procedures established in chapter 44.28 RCW, including the preparation of preliminary and final audit reports under RCW 44.28.088 and a follow-up compliance report under RCW 44.28.091.  The preliminary audit report shall be completed by August 1, 1998, and the final audit report shall be published by November 1, 1998.

    (5) In conducting the performance audit, the joint legislative audit and review committee shall work cooperatively with the legislative transportation committee and its staff.

    (6) The joint legislative audit and review committee shall create a temporary advisory committee to assist the committee in conducting this performance audit.  The advisory committee shall assist the committee in the following matters:

    (a) Identifying stakeholders;

    (b) Developing the audit scope and objectives;

    (c) Reviewing progress reports provided by the joint legislative audit and review committee;

    (d) Reviewing preliminary and final audit reports; and

    (e) Facilitating communication of audit findings to other members of the legislature.

    (7) The advisory committee shall be comprised of representatives of the joint legislative audit and review committee, the legislative transportation committee, and other stakeholders as determined by the joint legislative audit and review committee.

    (8) The advisory committee shall be chaired by the chair of the joint legislative audit and review committee."


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


                            --- END ---


    EFFECT:  Provides an appropriation of $514,000 to JLARC to conduct a performance audit of the WSDOT.