HCR 4407


             As Reported By House Committee On:

                    Agriculture & Ecology


Brief Description:  Creating a joint select committee on Yakima Valley water storage.


Sponsors:  Representatives Clements, Chandler and Honeyford.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:

Agriculture & Ecology:  3/5/97 [DP].



Majority Report:  Do pass.  Signed by 10 members:  Representatives Chandler, Chairman; Parlette, Vice Chairman; Schoesler, Vice Chairman; Linville, Ranking Minority Member; Anderson, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Cooper; Delvin; Koster; Mastin and Sump.


Minority Report:  Without recommendation.  Signed by 1 member:  Representative Regala.


Staff:  Kenneth Hirst (786-7105).


Background:  Under the Yakima Basin Water Enhancement Project planning study conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Ecology, several means of providing additional stream flows and water supplies for the Yakima basin have been explored.  In 1986, a plan formulation study prepared by the staff of the two agencies recommended to the agency directors four alternative plans for more detailed analysis.  Each contained a core measure and a storage component; three contained non-storage measures.  The storage recommended for further consideration in three of these alternatives called for an enlargement of Bumping Lake storage from an additional 250,000-acre feet to an additional 458,000-acre feet.  One alternative called for an 142,000-acre foot Wymer Reservoir.


Summary of the Concurrent Resolution:  A Joint Select Committee on Yakima Valley Water Storage is established to examine means of increasing existing water storage in Bumping Lake and of creating new water storage in Pine Hollow and other areas of Yakima County.  The committee consists of six members: three members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives and three members appointed by the president of the Senate.  Two of the members from each chamber are from the majority party caucus and one from each chamber is from the minority party caucus.  The members of the joint select committee select co-chairs, one from the House of Representatives and one from the Senate.  The joint select committee must report its recommendations to the Legislature by December 1, 1997.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Testimony For:  The study will permit the Legislature to analyze storage proposals.  If the study is conducted, perhaps storage facilities will be built.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  Representative Clements, prime sponsor (in favor).