Representative Don Carlson, Chair



HB 1109



BRIEF DESCRIPTION:  Requiring the Higher Education Coordinating Board to develop models for the delivery of technology-based programs.



BACKGROUND:  The Higher Education Coordinating Board's 1996 Master Plan for Higher Education projects that Washington's system of higher education needs to provide opportunities for at least 84,000 additional full time equivalent students by the year 2010.  By adoption of Senate Concurrent Resolution 8428, the legislature accepted the plan and requested that the board review solutions to the enrollment challenge.


Specifically,  Senate Concurrent Resolution 8428 requested that the Higher Education Coordinating Board make recommendations on a Astate educational technology plan.@  In response the board met with institutions and representatives of the K-12 system to discuss and develop strategies that will help integrate technology and support collaborative activities. 



SUMMARY:  The board will establish tuition and state support models for technology-based programs.  Additionally, the board will develop incentive models to encourage Washington students to participate in enrollment agreements with other states.  Finally, the board will propose a model for packaging tuition, fees and living expenses to cover a four-year period.  The board is required to report to the legislature by December 30, 1997.