February 5, 1997






TO:       Members, Committee on Trade and Economic Development


FROM:     Kenny Pittman, Research Analyst  (786-7392)


RE:       HB 1356 - Providing a study of low-income housing.






Low-income housing assistance is provided through various federal, state, and local programs.  The goal of low-income housing assistance programs is to reduce the cost of housing and improve the quality of housing.  Housing assistance is provided as either direct-spending through loans or grants or indirect-assistance through the tax code.





The Financial Institutions and Housing Committee in the Senate and the Trade and Economic Development Committee in the House of Representatives are directed to conduct the study on low-income housing assistance.  The study must: (1) identify the number of people in Washington receiving rental or home ownership assistance; (2) include information on type of households that receive housing assistance, including age and household income; (3) identify the number of recipients in each county; (4) identify qualifications needed to receive housing assistance; and (5)  identify agencies or groups that distribute housing assistance and in what amounts.  The study results are due by January 1, 1998.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  The bill has an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.