SHB 1888

                          FULL VETO



Brief Description:  Creating the executive‑legislative task force on international trade.


Sponsors:  By House Committee on Trade & Economic Development (originally sponsored by  Representatives Van Luven, Veloria, Dunn, McDonald, Alexander, Ballasiotes, Sheldon, Morris, Mason, Kastama, Wensman, Wolfe, Doumit, Hatfield, Thompson, Butler, Chandler, Kessler, Dickerson, Constantine, Ogden, Conway, Costa, Cole and O'Brien).


House Committee on Trade & Economic Development

Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor


Background:  International trade is an important element in Washington=s economy. Washington=s international business relationships are based on two-way trade, investment, education, and tourism.  It is estimated that one in five jobs in Washington are related to international trade.


Washington=s international trade programs are administered by the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development and the Department of Agriculture.  These state agencies administer programs that focus on improving the competitive position of key industries and firms in the domestic and international marketplace.  This is accomplished by linking the efforts of trade and industry specialists, providing technical staff to assist Washington=s small- and medium-sized firms develop and expand markets for their products, and maintaining information on potential international trade opportunities through the state=s foreign trade offices.


Summary:  Two separate task forces are created to address issues regarding international trade and tourism promotion and development.


  Executive-Legislative Task Force on International Trade


The Executive-Legislative Task Force on International Trade is created.  The task force consists of 23 members with representation from public and private sector businesses and organizations involved in international and domestic trade.  The task force members include (1) the Governor; (2)  six members of the Legislature, three from the House of Representatives, including the chair of the House Committee on Trade and Economic Development, and three from the Senate; (3) the secretary of state; (4) four representatives from businesses involved in international trade; (5) two representatives of organized labor; (6) two representatives from public ports; (7) two representatives from local economic development organizations; (8) two representatives from cities with a population of at least 175,000 and that have a public port; and (9) one representative at large.  The two ex officio members of the task force are the directors of the Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development and the Department of Agriculture.   The Governor appoints the non-legislative members of the task force.  The Governor serves as chair of the task force and the chair of the House Committee on Trade and Economic Development and a member from the Senate serve as the vice chairs of the task force.


The task force is authorized to (1) review existing state programs and incentives designed to encourage trade opportunities; (2) review the state=s organizational structure for trade-related functions; (3) review trade promotion programs, organizational structure, and efforts in other states and countries; (4) make recommendations on the state=s trade related functions, including the state's role in promoting trade and the appropriate organizational structure of the state=s trade programs and incentives; and (5) prepare and submit a report to the Governor and appropriate legislative committees with its findings and recommendations by January 30, 1998.  The task force expires March 1, 1998.


The Office of the Governor and the Legislature must provide administrative and clerical assistance to the task force.


  Task Force to the Legislature on Tourism Promotion and Marketing


The Task Force to the Legislature on Tourism Promotion and Marketing is created to study tourism promotion and issues related to the establishment of a private commission to market Washington state and its tourism advantage.  The task force consists of 16 members: (1) four members of the Legislature, two from the House of Representatives, and two from the Senate; (2) nine members that represent private sector organizations in the travel and tourism industry; and (3) three ex officio members from state agencies involved in tourism promotion.


The Governor must appoint the private sector members based on recommendations from statewide private sector organizations.  The speaker of the House appoints the members from the House of Representatives and the Lieutenant Governor appoints the members from the Senate.  The ex officio members consist of the director of Tourism Development Division of the Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development, the director of the State Parks and Recreation Commission, and a representative of the Office of the Attorney General.


The task force is authorized to study tourism promotion and related issues.  The report must include: (1) an evaluation of existing state laws, policies, and programs that promote or affect state tourism marketing; (2) an analysis of the level of state interdepartmental cooperation needed for tourism promotion; (3) a determination of the economic impact of an aggressive statewide tourism marketing program; (4) the development of a legislatively established private statewide tourism commission; (5) a proposal for private sector funding of the statewide tourism commission; (6) the statewide commission=s procedure to develop a marketing plan; and (7) all recommendations on the appropriate roles and responsibilities of the public and private sectors, including the interrelationship between the state tourism development division and the proposed statewide commission. The task force must prepare and submit a written report outlining its findings and recommendations to the Legislature by January 31, 1998.  The task force expires June 30, 1998.


The Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development must provide necessary staff support to the task force.


Votes on Final Passage:


House  95 0

Senate 46 1 (Senate amended)

House  98 0 (House concurred)