HB 1968


Title:  An act relating to commitment placements for juvenile offenders.


Brief Description:  Prohibiting juvenile offenders from being placed in contact with nonoffenders in residential facilities.


Sponsors:  Representatives Wolfe, Gombosky, Tokuda, Kastama, Blalock, Gardner, Cooke, Cole and Anderson.





Meeting Date:  February 27, 1997.


Bill Analysis Prepared by:  David Knutson  (786-7146).


Background:  Crisis residential centers provide short-term emergency housing for runaway and at-risk youth who have experienced a family conflict and left their home.  The crisis residential center provides assessment and counseling services designed to resolve the family conflict and return the child home.  Stays in crisis residential centers are limited by law to five days.  The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) has attempted to misuse crisis residential centers in the past by attempting to place dependent children and children on parole status from the Division of Juvenile Rehabilitation in crisis residential centers in violation of law.


Summary of Bill:  The Division of Juvenile Rehabilitation within the DSHS is prohibited from placing, or attempting to place, juveniles on parole status in crisis residential centers.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  None requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.