Representative Don Carlson, Chair
HB 2195
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Establishing guidelines for the employment of part-time faculty at community and technical colleges.
BACKGROUND: In 1996, the Legislature established a Best Practices Task Force. The Legislature directed the task force to conduct a best practices audit of compensation packages and conditions of employment for part-time faculty in the community and technical college system.
The Best Practices Task Force found that: the process for hiring part-time faculty is informal and considers a relatively small number of candidates; part-time faculty have conditional contracts based on their college's needs; many of the colleges do not have a performance evaluation for part-time faculty; the investment in professional development for part-time staff is lower than for full-time staff; support services and office space are minimal; colleges use a variety of methods to communicate with part-time faculty; and only 15 of the colleges provide some form of sick leave.
The report identified 10 best practices. Boards of trustees for community and technical colleges are encouraged to:
CDevelop a written policy on the employment of part-time faculty.
CWidely publicize notices of vacancies and develop a structured application screening process.
CProvide timely written employment agreements for multiple quarters to part-time faculty.
CProvide periodic evaluation results to part-time faculty and use evaluations in making employment decisions and determining professional development needs.
CProvide professional development that is available to part-time and full-time faculty.
CIdentify part-time faculty needs for office space and equipment and meet those needs within available resources.
CUse a variety of methods to communicate with part-time faculty and provide a way for part-time faculty to communicate to college leadership.
CProvide individual and group recognition for achievements of part-time faculty.
CDevelop a sick leave policy for part-time staff that have a continuing relationship with the college.
CApply the definition of Aacademic freedom@ to part-time and full-time faculty and provide the appropriate grievance process.
SUMMARY: A process is established for placing a part-time faculty member on a priority hiring list. The local board of trustees will place a part-time faculty member on the priority hiring list after a period of employment not to exceed nine college quarters. If the decision is made not to place a part-time faculty member on the list, the faculty member may be dismissed. After 10 quarters the faculty member is on the list by default.
Prior to being placed on the priority hiring list, the part-time faculty member must be evaluated by a review committee. The review committee shall make recommendations to the appointing authority. The appointing authority will give reasonable consideration to the recommendations of the review committee.
Placement on the priority list is automatic for all faculty who have taught for at least six quarters prior to the effective date of the act and who were employed at least one quarter during the 1996-97 academic year.
A part-time faculty member on the priority list can be dismissed only for cause. Prior to removal from the priority list, the review committee must review the case.
Individuals on the priority list have first selection and right of refusal of positions for non-tenured track faculty positions. An associate's name is removed from the list upon full-time employment or for refusal of all classes for three consecutive quarters.