January 21, 1998
TO: Members, Committee on Trade and Economic Development
FROM: Kenny Pittman, Research Analyst (786-7392)
RE: HB 2400 - Concerning the executive committee of the Washington state rural development council.
The Washington State Rural Development Council (WSRDC) is part of a national initiative that addresses rural economic development, human/social services, physical infrastructure, and environmental conservation issues in a public-private partnership fashion. The WSRDC informs state and federal agencies and policymakers on rural community development issues, identifies and recommends improvements to existing resource delivery systems, and serves as a liaison between rural communities and public and private resource providers.
The WSRDC is governed by an eleven member executive council that is appointed by the Governor. The executive committee consists of representatives of business, natural resources, agriculture, environment, economic development, education, health, human services, counties, cities, and tribal governments. At least three but not more than six candidates recommended by the existing executive committee members must represent state-wide associations. Ninety percent or more of the members of the executive committee must reside in rural areas of the state. As part of its transaction strategy, new members are incorporated into WSRDC on a staggered basis. The membership to the WSRDC will be fully formed in 1999.
The WSRDC is scheduled to expire June 30, 2003.
The transition strategy regarding membership to the Washington State Rural Development Council (WSRDC) is revised to include appointments to the existing executive committee. The new executive committee must be fully formed by 1999. Names for possible appointments to the executive committee must be generated by the members of the existing executive committee and must include candidates that represent regional associations, as well as state-wide associations.
Clarifies that members of the executive committee do not receive compensation for their services, but are eligible for reimbursement for travel expenses. Expressly states that statutory authority of the WSRDC expires June 30, 2003.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.