SB 6272
Title: An act relating to the number of district court judges.
Brief Description: Authorizing Snohomish county to create one additional district court position.
Sponsors: Senators Long, Strannigan, Kline, Wood, Johnson, Anderson and McAuliffe.
Staff: Bill Perry (786-7123).
Background: The number of district court judges in each county is set by statute. There is a procedure, also in statute, for changing the number of judges in a county.
The Legislature may change the number of district court judges in a county upon the recommendation of the supreme court. The process of formulating such a recommendation involves the use of a "weighted caseload" analysis developed by the Office of the Administrator for the Courts (OAC) in consultation with the Board of Judicial Administration, the Judicial Council, and the District and Municipal Court Judges' Association. The weighted caseload analysis includes consideration of the amount of judicial time and resources needed to process various kinds of cases.
For each recommended increase in the number of district court judges in a county, the OAC is to prepare a judicial impact note detailing any local or state cost associated with the change.
The costs associated with an increase in the number of judges may be paid for by the county out of the county criminal justice assistance account.
The OAC is recommending that the number of district court judges in Snohomish County be increased from seven to eight.
Summary of Bill: The number of district court judges in Snohomish County is increased from seven to eight.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Office of Program Research