Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research
Government Reform and Land Use
SSB 6425
Title of the Bill: Clarifying legal authority of an agency head.
What this Bill Does: Revises requirements for preparation of memoranda summarizing rule-making hearings.
Sponsors: Senators McCaslin, Haugen and Fraser.
Hearing Date: 2/25/98
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
Analysis Prepared By: Joan Elgee, 786-7135
The state Administrative Procedure Act specifies the procedures agencies must follow when adopting rules. These procedures include publishing notice of a proposed rule and conducting a rule-making hearing. The agency head, a member of the agency head, or a presiding officer designated by the agency head must preside at the rule-making hearing. Unless the agency head presides or is present at substantially all the hearings, the presiding official must prepare a memorandum of the rule-making hearing for consideration by the agency head. The agency head is the individual or body of individuals in whom the ultimate legal authority of the agency is vested.
The requirement to prepare a summarizing memorandum is clarified to include the case where the agency head has delegated rule-making authority. Regardless of whether the agency head has delegated rule-making authority, the presiding official must prepare a summarizing memorandum unless the agency head presides or appears at substantially all of the hearings.