Olympia, Washington
Bill Analysis Bill No. SSB 6598
(See HB 2968)
Filing state-funded personal service contracts Hrg. Date: 2/25/98
Brief Title
Senators Horn/Haugen Staff: Caroleen Dineen
Sponsor Comm. on Govt. Admin.
Phone: 786-7156
Personal service contracts are typically entered into between state agencies and private contractors to resolve a temporary agency problem or to assist with a temporary agency project. Agencies generally must engage in a process of competitive solicitation before entering into personal service contracts with a value of at least $10,000. Personal service contracts of less than $10,000 in value require documented evidence of competition rather than competitive solicitation.
Other types of contracts not competitively solicited (e.g., emergency contracts and sole source contracts) require other types of documentation, must be filed with the Office of Financial Management (OFM) and the Joint Legislative and Audit Review Committee (JLARC) and are subject to OFM approval.
State-funded personal service contracts that are subject to competitive solicitation must be filed with OFM and JLARC and made available for public inspection at least 10 working days before the proposed contract start date. OFM must approve personal service contracts subject to competitive solicitation that provide services related to management consulting, organizational development, marketing, communications, employee training, and employee recruiting.
Competitive contracts for services for services other than management consulting, organizational development, marketing, communications, employee training, and employee recruiting are effective on the date they are filed with OFM.
FISCAL NOTE: Not requested.
EFFECTIVE DATE: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.