HB 2622
As of February 20, 1998
Title: An act relating to senate confirmation of growth management hearings board members.
Brief Description: Confirming growth management hearings board members.
Sponsors: Representatives Kessler, Doumit, Lantz and Hatfield.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Government Operations: 2/26/98.
Staff: Eugene Green (786-7405)
Background: In 1991, three Growth Management Hearings Boards were created to hear and determine petitions involving compliance issues related to the implementation of the Growth Management Act. Each board's jurisdiction is limited to hearing only petitions concerning matters within its geographical boundaries.
Each board is composed of three members. Each member is appointed by the Governor for a six-year term, with the terms of the initial board members staggered to expire during the period 1994 to 1998. Any vacancy on a board is filled by gubernatorial appointment for the remaining unexpired term.
Summary of Bill: Each board member appointed by the Governor, either to serve a full term or to fill a vacancy, must be confirmed by the Senate.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.